Other Ways to Give
There are many ways to support the Faculty of Education
Together we will find a donation path that matches your situation and desire to help.
Gifts to UBC
The Faculty of Education accepts gifts of cash or cheque (made out to UBC). If you choose to donate a gift, you’ll receive a tax receipt for the full amount of your gift. You should also note the fund or area your gift is to be designated for. Gifts-in-kind are also welcome. A gift-in-kind is a non-cash donation and includes items such as equipment, materials, computer programs and real estate. Tax receipts for the fair market price are issued once the gift has been appraised and received. Please contact the Development team for more information on how to make a gift-in-kind.
Give Online
You may donate online with your credit card via UBC’s secure Online Gift Centre. You can sign up for a monthly giving program, make a one-time gift, or pay an existing pledge online. You will receive a tax receipt for the full amount of your gift.
International Gifts
The Faculty of Education is honoured to receive gifts from donors around the world. UBC has established international charitable foundations for donors living in the United States, the United Kingdome and Hong Kong. These foundations help non-residents of Canada support Education at UBC while still maximizing tax credit in the donor’s country of residence. Gifts made to UBC foundations flow directly to the University and are used exactly as directed. No administration fees of any kind are deducted from your charitable gift.
Gift and Estate Planning
There are many tax-effective ways to support UBC. Whether it’s a gift in your will, gifts of retirement assets, gifts of securities, or other planned gifts, we would be pleased to help ensure your best interest are considered when creating a gift. Contact the Development team for more information.
Tax Benefits
Giving costs less than you think. Because UBC is a registered charitable organization, your donation may qualify for a tax credit. More information on tax benefits and tax credit can be found on our Support UBC page.
Please contact us for more information on any of the options listed here.
Harry Young
Development Coordinator