Dr. Kadriye Ercikan (Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education) has been elected to join the International Academy of Education (IAE) – a group of 60 Fellows representing senior scholars from Belgium, Germany, Japan, Sweden, the United States, Canada, and many other parts of the world, including developing countries.
Dr. Ercikan is a Professor in the area of Measurement, Evaluation and Research Methodology (MERM) in the department of Educational and Counselling Psychology and Special Education (ECPS). She is also the director of the Cross-cultural Assessment and Research Methods in Education (CARME) research lab unit at UBC.
She has over 20 years experience conducting research on assessment design, validity and fairness issues in multi-cultural and multi-lingual assessments and psychometric issues in large-scale assessments. In the area of research methods Dr. Ercikan’s research focuses on research generalization and validity of research claims.
Also joining the IAE are Canadian scholars Dr. Ben Levin (University of Toronto) and Dr. Doug Willms (University of New Brunswick). The Canadian contingent will join the IAE’s general assembly meeting this September at Marbach Castle on Lake Constance in Germany.